Design of IoT Platforms with embedded antennas workshop in Barcelona

04 7 月 2019 News

Why IoT devices need internal antennas? Fractus Antennas (NN) has organized a one day workshop to design, build and test, with an embedded antenna, a wireless IoT prototype platform.

Next October 28 in Barcelona any attendee can see Virtual Antenna™ live on Sierra Wireless and Nordic Semiconductor IoT modules and build real examples with National Instruments Microwave Office software and measure them with a R&S Vector Analyzer.

The attendee will experience the latest chip antenna technology that makes any design “faster, cheaper and easier”. By attending to this coursea attendees will discover how to migrate from external to internal antennas. The course includes both software and hardware parts so participants get their own design of embedded antenna platform ready to take home.

Going wireless will never be easier and by joining the course the attendee will receive a free expo visitor pass for the IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona 2018.



Date: Monday, 28 October

Location: The Thinx Telefónica, Barcelona

Time: TBC





Part I: Why IoT devices need internal antennas? (1h 45min)

 Making design for IoT devices fast, cheap and easy. Go from external to internal in one day. How chip antennas change the deal nowadays. Virtual Antenna™ in real life.
o MangOH Yellow by Sierra Wireless: The super sensor for Cellular IoT
o Thingy:91 by Nordic Semiconductor: The prototyping cellular IoT platform with tunable antenna.

 The IoT antenna. Always the first to think about.

 How to integrate the antenna to get the best results. Easy with Virtual Antenna™
o Antenna design for IoT in 3 easy steps: place, match, test.
o Why is this possible? Virtual Antenna™ technology for an easy IoT design.

Part II: Designing real IoT examples with National Instruments-AWR Microwave Office Software (2h 30min)

 Adapt a chip antenna to your own IoT device in a jiffy: matching Virtual Antenna with NI AWR Design Environment (Microwave Office) and its Network Synthesis Wizard.

 Designing your IoT device with embedded antenna using: MangOH Yellow and Thingy:91as a starting prototyping platform
o Design a single-band NB-IoT sensor platform with embedded antenna.
o Design a multiband smart tracking IoT platform with embedded antenna.
o Design a multiband smart metering IoT platform with embedded antenna.
o Design a global IoT sensor platform with a tunable matching network with an embedded antenna.

Part III: Hardware Part – Design, Implementation and Measurement with the R&S Vector Network Analyzer (2h)

 Build your own NB-IoT sensor platform with embedded antenna
 In-situ hands-on work starting from scratch: design, implement and test your IoT module.

About Fractus Antennas

Barcelona-based Fractus Antennas SL designs, manufactures and commercializes miniature, off-the-shelf antennas for IoT, mobile connectivity, and short-range wireless devices. Founded as an independent antenna product business in 2015, Fractus Antennas was born out of the main Fractus operation and combines a respected R&D team with proven manufacturing capabilities and scale to bring to market a new generation of antenna products to meet the mobile and wireless connectivity needs of OEMs.