Same antenna, different IoT devices

19 4 月 2018 News

The RUN mXTENDTM antenna booster by Fractus Antennas, part of the mXTENDTM range of products, enables full antenna performance using exactly the same antenna component regardless of the ground plane size.

In the next few years, the idea of having everything connected appears to be the only possible one. IoT could be anything around and the challenge for the antenna is to be adapted to this situation as soon as possible. With this antenna design, Fractus Antennas offers a new way of going wireless by using a surface mount chip antenna that can easily be assembled, using the pick and place machinery, in production on the main printed circuit board (PCB) of any IoT device and with any size form and factor.

Moreover, this chip antenna component allows a better time to market approach reducing cost, time and design effort thanks to its versatility and easy and quick use.

Fractus Antennas offers a new application note for those who are looking to go wireless cheap, fast and easy in the huge IoT World.

About Fractus Antennas

Barcelona-based Fractus Antennas SL designs, manufactures and commercializes miniature, off-the-shelf antennas for IoT, mobile connectivity, and short-range wireless devices. Founded as an independent antenna product business in 2015, Fractus Antennas was born out of the main Fractus operation and combines a respected R&D team with proven manufacturing capabilities and scale to bring to market a new generation of antenna products to meet the mobile and wireless connectivity needs of OEMs.

Microwave Journal Team visits the antenna-less Lab in Barcelona

17 4 月 2018 News

What is Virtual Antenna? What is antenna-less? Are they the same concept? Where is this new technology coming from? You can get the answer to these questions by reading the April issue of the Microwave Journal magazine. Fractus Antennas’ Virtual Antenna®

is the Fabs & Labs story of the journal this month: “Fractus Antennas: Making the Virtual Reality”.

The publication gives emphasis to the company’s lab where the engineering team develops this new technology that enables a full antenna performance in a really small package of only 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm. The Microwave Journal Team visited Fractus Antennas’ facilities last February, during their visit to the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and they could personally check on site how the technology works by an in-house testing demonstration, including an active measurement in the anechoic chamber SATIMO Stargate 32.

One of the company founders, Dr. Carles Puente, guided the Microwave Journal Team during the whole visit so they were able to explore, from one of the lead inventors, the past, the present and the near future of the Virtual AntennaTM technology. Read now the new Microwave Journal Fabs & Labs article and discover the latest way of designing antennas: “Fractus Antennas: Making the Virtual Reality”.


About Fractus Antennas

Barcelona-based Fractus Antennas SL designs, manufactures and commercializes miniature, off-the-shelf antennas for IoT, mobile connectivity, and short-range wireless devices. Founded as an independent antenna product business in 2015, Fractus Antennas was born out of the main Fractus operation and combines a respected R&D team with proven manufacturing capabilities and scale to bring to market a new generation of antenna products to meet the mobile and wireless connectivity needs of OEMs.

Small Bluetooth module with tiny integrated antenna

10 4 月 2018 News

The Micro Reach Xtend™ Chip Antenna, with its ultra small size (4.1 mm x 2.0 mm x 1.0 mm) and low-cost features, has been integrated into the WC7220B0 Wi2Wi Bluetooth module for a full wireless Bluetooth subsystem in a small form factor module. The whole device, where the chip antenna is fully integrated, is designed to reduce to essentials the length and the complexity of the RF design cycle.

Ideally designed for applications such as IoT, M2M, HID, Sensors, Automotive, Smart Home or Medical equipment among others, this Bluetooth module with the integrated and tuned Micro Reach Xtend™ chip antenna also enables a quicker time to market approach within a very small package (8 mm x 12 mm x 1.86 mm) saving time and simplifying the design process.

The ultra-small size chip antenna is perfectly tuned in the Bluetooth module system thanks to the combination of its reduced clearance area required within the customer PCB with its high performance and its integration flexibility. The small form factor, the small footprint required and its easy-to-use (pick & place) nature give to the RF experts a special attraction for its use.


About Fractus Antennas

Barcelona-based Fractus Antennas SL designs, manufactures and commercializes miniature, off-the-shelf antennas for IoT, mobile connectivity, and short-range wireless devices. Founded as an independent antenna product business in 2015, Fractus Antennas was born out of the main Fractus operation and combines a respected R&D team with proven manufacturing capabilities and scale to bring to market a new generation of antenna products to meet the mobile and wireless connectivity needs of OEMs.